We will endeavour to respond to all queries as soon as possible: Our response time is approximately 7 working days

Parents & Carers

Magnifying glass

SEND & Disability Definitions


EHC Needs Assessment

Palm held up with a heart in the middle

Special Educational Needs Support

A sheet of paper

EHC Draft Plan

Two arrows in a rotating direction

EHC Plans & Annual Reviews

Calendar with an exclamation warning sign

Attendance & Exclusions

Person with a 16+ warning

Preparing for Adulthood


Alternative Education

School books

School Admissions


Alternative Education

Face with the brain highlighted

Mental Health & EBSA

Two people, linked together by a double-ended arrow

Disagreement Resolution, Mediation & Appeals

Warning sign


Thumbs down

Disability Discrimination

Visit our Resource Hub for some additional useful information.


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If you are looking for further information, advice and support, please complete our contact form and we’ll be able to help and point you in the right direction.

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