We will endeavour to respond to all queries as soon as possible: Our response time is approximately 7 working days
Person and a cog wheel

How We Work

Who we are

Hartlepool Special Educational Needs and Disabilities information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) provides free confidential, impartial support and advice to Children, Young People (aged 0 – 25 years) and their Parent/Carers, about matters related to their or their child’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), including matters relating to health and social care.

Our obligations are set out within The Children and Families Act 2014, Chapter 2 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) – National Minimum Standards 2018.

We are a self-referral, in-house statutory service which is funded by Hartlepool Borough Council (HBC), situated within the Children’s and Joint Commissioning Directorate.

We are here to


Our aim is

Hand holding a speech bubble that reads "Free, impartial and confidential advice"

How do we operate?

Referrals are made directly by a Parent/Carer, or Child/Young Person themselves. Referrals are made via a dedicated telephone line, email or virtual/face-to face interactions at a range of drop-ins, events and training sessions.

We don’t take sides; we provide Parents/Carers, Children and Young People with impartial factual information and advice, based on SEND guidance and legislation, so they feel empowered and enabled to make informed decisions about their next steps, which is unbiased and is not influenced by any particular party’s point of view or local policy.

We will not discuss Parents/Carers, Children and Young People’s circumstances or information with anyone without their verbal or written consent.

We offer Parents/Carers, Children and Young People information on an extensive range of topics in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including Health and Social Care.

We enable Parents/Carers, Children and Young People to understand and make effective use of the information and advice provided.

We provide a free, all-year-round and flexible service which is open during normal office hours and includes:

  • A direct helpline with 24-hour answer machine,
  • A call back and sign-posting service, including links to the national SEND helpline and other sources of support for outside of office hours and 24/7 access to dedicated website.

The service must legally operate arm’s length from HBC Education and Social Care Services, as well as Health services such as the Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB).

The service maintains an ‘arm’s length’ position by:

  • Being measured against The Children and Families Act 2014, The SEND Code of Practice 2015, and The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) National Minimum Standards 2018, rather than locally agreed parameters.
  • Having a ring fenced delegated budget and protected recording system restricted to members of SENDIASS only.
  • Keeping secure all information specifically communicated (either orally or in writing) by Parents/Carers, Children and Young People which is completely separate to LA’s Education, Health and Social Care services.
  • Having and maintaining its own service website.
  • Ensuring that service staff are nationally provided training, which ensures that they have the knowledge and understanding of SEND law and guidance.
  • Having working links and networks both nationally and regionally, which is not to the LA.
  • Service staff do not take part in any LA local decision making processes.
  • Impartiality being a core element of staff training and reflective practice.

Our service offer to Parents/Carers, Children or Young People

Our service offer to Professionals

Our service covers all aspects of special educational needs and disabilities related areas, from promoting inclusion and reasonable adjustments, navigating and understanding SEND processes and SEND law, supporting with education, social care and health concerns (where SEND may or has been identified), signposting to other services, supporting with disagreement resolution and so forth.

Professionals can

Still need access to further support?

If you are looking for further information, advice and support, please complete our contact form and we’ll be able to help and point you in the right direction.

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